
Facebook Pages

My favorite new tool for my business is using a Facebook Page (not a "group", but a "page"). You can create a facebook page for free & use it as an advertising tool. People sign up as "fans" of your page and then all your updates are posted for them to see. What I'm trying to do with my page is to keep it fun, interactive, and useful . . . not just little blurbs trying to get people to buy my products. I post useful product information, fun pictures of products, trivia questions about our products/company, motivational thoughts, and more. I also post several times a day so that someone who is only on facebook once during the day will have a better chance of seeing what I've posted. If your content is good, people will "share" it with their friends & your "fan" base will grow. If people comment on your posts, their friends will see it & may become a "fan" as well. This will help to increase your base of "fans" to more than your current friends & customers and when those new people want to buy your products, they'll come to you if you've established a good relationship with them.