
Using "Evites"

Evites are a great way to get in touch with people to let them know about events & to keep an rsvp tally all in one spot. They may even be a good way for your host to invite her friends to her party, but in order for your evite to be most effective, I recommend:

1. Make a phone call reminder the day before the party to remind all those who rsvp'd with a "yes" or "maybe".

2. Be sure to call all those who either didn't open the evite or didn't rsvp; either they never saw the e-mail or have forgotten to respond & need a reminder!

3. Call all those who respond with a "no" or don't show up after responding "yes" or "maybe" to see if they would like to order, even though they weren't able to attend.

Without good follow up calls, it is so easy for people to fall through the cracks with an evite, since many people don't even open their e-mail on a regular basis or may not have received the e-mail.


  1. Do you know of any good sites that offer evites? I remember a girlfriend of mine using one but I forgot the name of it.
    I am holding a Holiday Open House for my Gold Canyon business and would like to send out evites as well as invitations.
    Thanks -

  2. I use www.evite.com for all my evites. I like it, but haven't seen any other options out there to compare it to. Simple name to remember as well!
