
Get to Know Your Customers

I have quite a few names on my customer list that I can recall specific information about the customer & I tell you that it is so much easier to offer good customer service to people that you feel like you know. Its not as intimidating making follow up calls or asking if they want to book a show or place an order because there are other things that you can talk about & not seem like you're just looking for money from them.

In order to get to know some of my other customers better & get updates on the ones I already know, I put together a Get to Know You questionaire that I'll be sending out to my customers. Those who answer & return it to me will be included in a drawing for $50 in products. Here's the questionaire that I'll be sending out:

What is your birthday?
What’s your favorite color?
How do you spend your day?
What are your favorite Gold Canyon fragrances &/or products?
What states & countries have you lived in?
Are you married?
Do you have children? How many & ages?
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
What talents do you have?
Do you have your own business that I can promote to my contacts? If so, give me some details!

Keep in mind that a lot of these questions are ones that I'll be able to use as I do business with them.
Birthday: send out birthday e-cards just to let them know you're thinking about them

Color: customize cards, host gifts, etc. in the color that they love

How you psend your day: know when is a good time to call, what they're work/home circumstances are like

Favorite Products: call when there are specific offers for their favorite products; offer their favorites as a booking bonus

Do you have your own business: helps us to network together & shows you have an interest in helping them, not just yourself

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